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New Arrivals

Book III in the Way of the Wizards series 



Wizards, children, farmers, childminders magical spells and communication problems are all finding their rhythm and managing to live together in an ever-expanding Pearland that somehow always manages to make room for more whimscialness, more magic imbed information for all your readers out there. 

Leave your logic at the door and you'll enjoy this book immensely. The story is good fun and highly readable, but the real joy lies beneath the surface. Feel the words, the energy behind them, and you'll get something much more than literary enjoyment. J.E. Honey has woven a magical little spell for you here, take the gift and flow with it.  Dominic James, Author of the Reiki Man series 


Read the Wizards. Let them change your life.” Amelia Beamer, Author of The Loving Dead 


Here are characters as real as Tolkien drawn by someone as kind and insightful as C.S. Lewis was in his way.  Here are people with all their foibles and courage and humor.  You can't read these books and not care about the people and wizards you will meet   Sue McCormack, Healer, Reader, Novelist 


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